Saturday, January 30, 2010

happy thaipusam!! YEAH! means double pay!

I am very happy today.
I worked for Overtime today on Saturday and it's a public holiday. And so I heard I will be paid double.

And I calculated....

It is RM80 around that...

It's alot for me,as a teenager.but it wont satisfy me in the future (next 10 years?)

Well, planning to work during CNY eve...yea, the manager from a restaurant called me to be a waiter there,and guess wat? it's Rm18 per hour! I cant wait for it $.$ But then,I was a bit opposed by my parents...I will try to persuade them la.
Aiya,actually i also cant celebrate CNY la,because both of my gandmas (one mother's side & one dad's side) passed away in the same year (LASY YEAR). what a coIncidence....yep, a lot of Co-incidence cases happened to me lately,my life was like been smoothen. sometimes I feel like my grandmas up there are helping me. Oh thanks! ^^

Still got what to say.....hmmm

Signing off first.
P/C:Will post up Kwai Choong funeral story next. an unforgetable day! Tribute to the late Kwai choong.

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